The ParallelDataPumpTask object copies and transforms data from source to destination rowsets. It performs the same functions as the DataPumpTask2 and DataDrivenQueryTask2, except that it will also copy and transform hierarchical rowsets. The FastLoad option of the DataPumpTask2 is not supported, however.
In the ParallelDataPumpTask object, a TransformationSets collection is populated with one or more TransformationSet objects, each of which includes a Transformations collection and contains all the information necessary to transform a component rowset of the source hierarchical rowset to the corresponding component rowset in the destination.
The component rowsets are scanned and matched source to destination through recursive descent. The columns of the parent rowset are in column-ordinal order. When a child rowset column is encountered, it is scanned before the remaining columns of the parent. Child rowsets are similarly processed; their own children are scanned when encountered, before their remaining rows, with greater column ordinal.
The ParallelDataPumpTask operates in one of the following modes:
The mode is specified with the TransformationSetOptions property of the TransformationSet object.
A failure of any TransformationSet (including failure due to the maximum number of error rows being exceeded for that TransformationSet, regardless of the error counts in other TransformationSets) results in the failure of the ParallelDataPumpTask.
In Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000, the ParallelDataPumpTask is available only through the Data Transformation Services (DTS) object model. It cannot be accessed through DTS Designer or the DTS Import/Export Wizard.