Parallel Data Driven Query Example
This sample Microsoft® Visual Basic® function, sDDQTitleAuthors, creates and runs a package that transforms parts of the authors, titleauthor, and titles tables from the pubs database that ships with Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000. The function generates a hierarchical rowset consisting of the authors from the pubs database and the titles with which they are associated.
Creating sDDQTitleAuthors Rowset
This function copies the data to tables in a database called DTSTest that have the following structure:
CREATE TABLE dbo.AuthNames (
LastName VARCHAR (40) NOT NULL ,
FirstName VARCHAR (20) NOT NULL )
CREATE TABLE dbo.TitleNames (
TitleName VARCHAR (80) NOT NULL )
As in flattened mode, the component rowsets are copied without regard to the chapters.
Running sDDQTitleAuthors
This example can be run on a computer on which Visual Basic 6.0 and SQL Server 2000 have been installed.
The steps for running sDDQTitleAuthors are as follows:
- Create a database named DTSTest using SQL Server Enterprise Manager, and then create the tables defined earlier in DTSTest. If you use another database, change the line in the example that sets the database name for the destination connection.
- Create a new Standard EXE project in the Visual Basic development environment. In the Project/References dialog box, check Microsoft DTSPackage Object Library and Microsoft DTSDataPump Scripting Object Library.
- Copy the following code for function sDDQTitleAuthors to the code window for Form1.
- Place a command button on the form Form1. In the _Click sub for the command button, call sDDQTitleAuthors.
- You can add completion notification, such as a message box, and an error handler. For more information about returning meaningful error information, see Handling DTS Errors in Visual Basic.
- If you are using a database other than DTSTest, change the setting of the Catalog property of connection 2.
- Run the project, click the command button, and then view the destination tables.
Writing sDDQTitleAuthors Code
This is the Visual Basic source code for the sDDQTitleAuthors function:
Private Function sDDQTitleAuthors() As String
Dim oPackage As New DTS.Package
Dim oConnection As DTS.Connection
Dim oTask As DTS.Task
Dim oStep As DTS.Step
Dim oTransform As DTS.Transformation
Dim oScriptTransform As DTSPump.DataPumpTransformScript
Dim oTransformationSet As DTS.TransformationSet
Dim oParallelPumpTask As DTS.ParallelDataPumpTask
Dim sScript(1 To 3) As String
Dim sScriptLanguage As String
Dim sScriptFunction As String
"SHAPE {SELECT au_id, au_lname, au_fname FROM authors} " & _
"APPEND ({SELECT au_id, title FROM titleauthor TA, titles TS " & _
"WHERE TA.title_id = TS.title_id} " & _
"AS title_chap RELATE au_id TO au_id)"
"SHAPE {SELECT * FROM AuthNames} " & _
"APPEND ({SELECT * FROM TitleNames} " & _
"AS TitleChap RELATE AuthID TO AuthID)"
'----- generate scripts, one needs 2 col, other needs 3
sScriptLanguage = "VBScript"
sScriptFunction = "Transform"
sScript(1) = "Function Transform()" & vbCrLf & _
"DTSDestination(1) = DTSSource(1)" & vbCrLf & _
"DTSDestination(2) = DTSSource(2)" & vbCrLf
sScript(2) = "DTSDestination(3) = DTSSource(3)" & vbCrLf
sScript(3) = "Transform = DTSTransformStat_InsertQuery" & _
vbCrLf & "End Function"
'----- define source connection - pubs
Set oConnection = oPackage.Connections.New("MSDataShape")
With oConnection
.ConnectionProperties("Data Provider") = "SQLOLEDB"
.ID = 1
.Catalog = "pubs"
.UserID = "sa"
End With
oPackage.Connections.Add oConnection
'----- define destination connection - (local) DTSTest
Set oConnection = oPackage.Connections.New("MSDataShape")
With oConnection
.ConnectionProperties("Data Provider") = "SQLOLEDB"
.ID = 2
.DataSource = "(local)"
.Catalog = "DTSTest"
.UseTrustedConnection = True
End With
oPackage.Connections.Add oConnection
'----- Create ParallelDPTask set DDQ, connections and commands
Set oTask = oPackage.Tasks.New("DTSParallelDataPumpTask")
Set oParallelPumpTask = oTask.CustomTask
With oParallelPumpTask
.TransformationSetOptions = DTSTranSetOpt_DataDrivenQueries
.SourceConnectionID = 1
.DestinationConnectionID = 2
End With
'----- create TransformationSet for parent rowset
Set oTransformationSet = oParallelPumpTask. _
oParallelPumpTask.TransformationSets.Add oTransformationSet
Set oTransform = oTransformationSet. _
Set oScriptTransform = oTransform.TransformServer
With oScriptTransform
.Language = sScriptLanguage
.FunctionEntry = sScriptFunction
.Text = sScript(1) & sScript(2) & sScript(3)
End With
'----- define source/dest columns for parent
With oTransform
.SourceColumns.AddColumn "au_id", 1
.SourceColumns.AddColumn "au_lname", 2
.SourceColumns.AddColumn "au_fname", 3
.DestinationColumns.AddColumn "AuthID", 1
.DestinationColumns.AddColumn "LastName", 2
.DestinationColumns.AddColumn "FirstName", 3
.Name = "Transform"
End With
'----- define INSERT query, params for parent
With oTransformationSet
.InsertQuery = "INSERT AuthNames VALUES (?, ?, ?)"
.InsertQueryColumns.AddColumn "AuthID", 1
.InsertQueryColumns.AddColumn "LastName", 2
.InsertQueryColumns.AddColumn "FirstName", 3
.Transformations.Add oTransform
End With
'----- create TransaformationSet for child rowset
Set oTransformationSet = oParallelPumpTask. _
oParallelPumpTask.TransformationSets.Add oTransformationSet
Set oTransform = oTransformationSet. _
Set oScriptTransform = oTransform.TransformServer
With oScriptTransform
.Language = sScriptLanguage
.FunctionEntry = sScriptFunction
.Text = sScript(1) & sScript(3)
End With
'----- define source/dest columns for child
With oTransform
.SourceColumns.AddColumn "au_id", 1
.SourceColumns.AddColumn "title", 2
.DestinationColumns.AddColumn "AuthID", 1
.DestinationColumns.AddColumn "TitleName", 2
.Name = "Transform"
End With
'----- define INSERT query, params for child
With oTransformationSet
.InsertQuery = "INSERT TitleNames VALUES (?, ?)"
.InsertQueryColumns.AddColumn "AuthID", 1
.InsertQueryColumns.AddColumn "TitleName", 2
.Transformations.Add oTransform
End With
'----- add task, step to package
oTask.Name = "ParallelDDQTask"
With oPackage
Set oStep = .Steps.New
oStep.Name = "ParallelDPStep"
oStep.TaskName = oTask.Name
.Tasks.Add oTask
.Steps.Add oStep
.Name = "ParallelDDQTask Package"
.FailOnError = True
.Execute 'run the package
End With
End Function
See Also
Hierarchical Rowsets