DTS Programming

Description Property

The Description property returns or sets the textual description of a Data Transformation Services (DTS) object.

Applies To
ActiveScriptTask Object Package Object
BulkInsertTask Object Package2 Object
Connection Object PackageInfo Object
Connection2 Object PackageLogRecord Object
CreateProcessTask Object ParallelDataPumpTask Object
CreateProcessTask2 Object SavedPackageInfo Object
CustomTask Object ScriptingLanguageInfo Object
DataDrivenQueryTask Object SendMailTask Object
DataDrivenQueryTask2 Object Step Object
DataPumpTask Object Step2 Object
DataPumpTask2 Object Task Object
DTSMessageQueueTask Object TaskInfo Object
DynamicPropertiesTask Object TransferObjectsTask Object
ExecutePackageTask Object TransferObjectsTask2 Object
ExecuteSQLTask Object TransformationInfo Object
ExecuteSQLTask2 Object TransformationSet Object
OLEDBProviderInfo Object  


object.Description [= value]

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list
value Description of the associated object

Data Type




Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT GetDescription(BSTR *pRetVal);

HRESULT SetDescription(BSTR NewValue);


Description is usually a read/write property. However, it is a read-only property of informational objects such as the OLEDBProviderInfo, PackageInfo, SavedPackageInfo, ScriptingLangaugeInfo, TaskInfo and TransformationInfo objects.

When the associated object is a DTS class-specific task object, the Description property also can be referenced through the Properties collection of the Task object with the following code:

Set taskprops = task.Properties
taskprops("Description") [= value]

See Also

Name Property

Properties Collection

Task Object