DTS Programming

Execute Method

The Execute method executes a Data Transformation Services (DTS) task object.

Applies To
ActiveScriptTask Object DynamicPropertiesTask Object
BulkInsertTask Object ExecutePackageTask Object
CreateProcessTask Object ExecuteSQLTask Object
CreateProcessTask2 Object ExecuteSQLTask2 Object
CustomTask Object ParallelDataPumpTask Object
DataDrivenQueryTask Object SendMailTask Object
DataPumpTask Object Task Object
DTSFTPTask Object TransferObjectsTask Object
DTSMessageQueueTask Object  


object.Execute pPackage, pPackageEvents, pPackageLog, pTaskResult

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list
pPackage Reference to the Package2 object
pPackageEvents Reference to the events of the Package2 object
pPackageLog Reference to a PackageLog object
pTaskResult Return code from the DTSTaskExecResult constants


An application does not have to call the Execute method for each step or task. Instead the Package2 object calls the Execute method to launch each step or task after the application calls Package2.Execute.

A reference to the Package2 object is passed as a parameter to allow access to the objects in the hierarchy for the package. But pPackage and all objects in its hierarchy must not be saved or referenced after the Execute method returns. Check pPackageEvents and pPackageLog for NULL/Nothing before using them.

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT Execute(

See Also


Execute (Package) Method