This sample Microsoft® Visual Basic® function sCopyCustOrderProd creates and runs a package that transforms parts of the Customers, Orders, Order Details, and Products tables from the Northwind database that ships with Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000. The function generates a hierarchical rowset consisting of the customers located in the U.K., their orders, the order details, and the products.
This function copies the data to tables in a database called DTSTest that have the following structure:
CREATE TABLE dbo.customers (
customer_key NCHAR (5) NOT NULL ,
company_name NVARCHAR (40) NOT NULL )
CREATE TABLE dbo.orders (
customer_key NCHAR (5) NULL ,
order_key INT NOT NULL )
CREATE TABLE dbo.products (
product_key INT NOT NULL ,
product_name NVARCHAR (40) NOT NULL )
CREATE TABLE dbo.order_details (
order_key INT NOT NULL ,
product_key INT NOT NULL ,
discount REAL NOT NULL )
The number of rows copied depends on whether Flattened or Hierarchical mode is used. In Flattened mode, the entire Orders, Order Details, and Products tables are copied. In Hierarchical mode, only the rows referenced by the U.K. customers are copied, although there are many duplicates of these rows in the products table in the destination database.
This is the Visual Basic source code for the sCopyCustOrderProd code:
Private Function sCopyCustOrderProd( _
ByVal TranSetOpt As DTS.DTSTransformationSetOptions) As String
Dim oPackage As New DTS.Package
Dim oConnection As DTS.Connection
Dim oTask As DTS.Task
Dim oStep As DTS.Step
Dim oTransform As DTS.Transformation
Dim oTransformationSet As DTS.TransformationSet
Dim oParallelPumpTask As DTS.ParallelDataPumpTask
"SHAPE {SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName " & _
"FROM Customers WHERE Country = 'UK'} " & _
"APPEND ((SHAPE {SELECT OrderID, CustomerID FROM Orders} " & _
"APPEND ((SHAPE {SELECT OrderID, ProductID, Discount " & _
"FROM [Order Details]} " & _
"APPEND ({SELECT ProductID, ProductName " & _
"FROM Products} " & _
"AS ProductChap " & _
"RELATE ProductID TO ProductID)) " & _
"AS DetailChap RELATE OrderID TO OrderID)) " & _
"AS OrderChap RELATE CustomerID TO CustomerID)"
"SHAPE {SELECT * FROM customers} " & _
"APPEND ((SHAPE {SELECT * FROM orders} " & _
"APPEND ((SHAPE {SELECT * FROM order_details} " & _
"APPEND ({SELECT * FROM products} " & _
"AS product_chap " & _
"RELATE product_key TO product_key)) " & _
"AS detail_chap RELATE order_key TO order_key)) " & _
"AS order_chap RELATE customer_key TO customer_key)"
'----- define source connection - Northwind
Set oConnection = oPackage.Connections.New("MSDataShape")
With oConnection
.ConnectionProperties("Data Provider") = "SQLOLEDB"
.ID = 1
.Catalog = "Northwind"
.UserID = "sa"
End With
oPackage.Connections.Add oConnection
'----- define destination connection - (local) DTSTest
Set oConnection = oPackage.Connections.New("MSDataShape")
With oConnection
.ConnectionProperties("Data Provider") = "SQLOLEDB"
.ID = 2
.DataSource = "(local)"
.Catalog = "DTSTest"
.UseTrustedConnection = True
End With
oPackage.Connections.Add oConnection
'----- set hierarchical/flattened, set connections and commands
Set oTask = oPackage.Tasks.New("DTSParallelDataPumpTask")
Set oParallelPumpTask = oTask.CustomTask
With oParallelPumpTask
.TransformationSetOptions = TranSetOpt
.SourceConnectionID = 1
.DestinationConnectionID = 2
.DestinationSQLStatement = SHAPE_UE_CUST_ORDER_PROD
End With
'----- create TransformationSet for customers
Set oTransformationSet = oParallelPumpTask. _
oParallelPumpTask.TransformationSets.Add oTransformationSet
Set oTransform = oTransformationSet. _
With oTransform
.SourceColumns.AddColumn "CustomerID", 1
.SourceColumns.AddColumn "CompanyName", 2
.DestinationColumns.AddColumn "customer_key", 1
.DestinationColumns.AddColumn "company_name", 2
.Name = "Transform"
End With
oTransformationSet.Transformations.Add oTransform
'----- create TransaformationSet for orders
Set oTransformationSet = oParallelPumpTask. _
oParallelPumpTask.TransformationSets.Add oTransformationSet
Set oTransform = oTransformationSet. _
With oTransform
.SourceColumns.AddColumn "OrderID", 1
.SourceColumns.AddColumn "CustomerID", 2
.DestinationColumns.AddColumn "order_key", 1
.DestinationColumns.AddColumn "customer_key", 2
.Name = "Transform"
End With
oTransformationSet.Transformations.Add oTransform
'----- create TransformationSet for order details
Set oTransformationSet = oParallelPumpTask. _
oParallelPumpTask.TransformationSets.Add oTransformationSet
Set oTransform = oTransformationSet. _
With oTransform
.SourceColumns.AddColumn "OrderID", 1
.SourceColumns.AddColumn "ProductID", 2
.SourceColumns.AddColumn "Discount", 3
.DestinationColumns.AddColumn "order_key", 1
.DestinationColumns.AddColumn "product_key", 2
.DestinationColumns.AddColumn "discount", 3
.Name = "Transform"
End With
oTransformationSet.Transformations.Add oTransform
'----- create TransaformationSet for products
Set oTransformationSet = oParallelPumpTask. _
oParallelPumpTask.TransformationSets.Add oTransformationSet
Set oTransform = oTransformationSet. _
With oTransform
.SourceColumns.AddColumn "ProductID", 1
.SourceColumns.AddColumn "ProductName", 2
.DestinationColumns.AddColumn "product_key", 1
.DestinationColumns.AddColumn "product_name", 2
.Name = "Transform"
End With
oTransformationSet.Transformations.Add oTransform
'----- add task, step to package
oTask.Name = "ParallelDPTask"
With oPackage
Set oStep = oPackage.Steps.New
oStep.Name = "ParallelDPStep"
oStep.TaskName = oTask.Name
.Tasks.Add oTask
.Steps.Add oStep
.Name = "ParallelDataPumpTask Package"
.FailOnError = True
.Execute 'run the package
End With
End Function
This example can be run on a computer on which Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and SQL Server 2000 have been installed.
The basic steps for running sCopyCustOrderProd are as follows: