DTS Programming

InputGlobalVariableNames Property

The InputGlobalVariableNames property returns or specifies a list of Data Transformation Services (DTS) global variable names that are to be used as parameters in a query or created in a subpackage.

Applies To
DataDrivenQueryTask2 Object ExecuteSQLTask2 Object
DataPumpTask2 Object ParallelDataPumpTask Object
ExecutePackageTask Object  


object.InputGlobalVariableNames [= list]

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list
list List of global variable names

Data Type




Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT GetInputGlobalVariableNames(BSTR *pRetVal);

HRESULT SetInputGlobalVariableNames(BSTR NewValue);


The format of the InputGlobalVariableNames string is a semicolon delimited, optionally double-quoted or single-quoted list. Quoting is required only when the name contains an embedded delimiter. Embedded delimiters must be doubled. A double-delimiter or a trailing delimiter indicates an empty item. For example:

   "gv1";gv2       - delimiters not required here
   gv1;"gv""2"     - gv"2 embedded delimiter is doubled
   gv1;;gv2;       - contains an empty second and fourth item

The following table describes how the usage of the InputGlobalVariableNames list depends on the associated object.

Associated Object Usage
ExecutePackageTask Global variables from the collection of the outer DTS package are created or assigned to global variables in the target package. Empty items in the list are skipped.
Global variables from the collection of the package are substituted for parameters in the source query. Empty items in the list cause the corresponding parameter in the query to be bound to NULL.

See Also

GlobalVariables Collection

SourceSQLStatement Property

SQLStatement Property