RTblRelships stores instance data for each version combination present in a two-way versioned relationship.
Column name | Data type | Description |
OrgID | RTIntID | The internal identifier for the origin object of the relationship. |
Z_OrgBrID_Z | RTBrID | Indicates the branch of the version graph containing the origin object version. |
Z_OrgVS_Z | RTVerID | Indicates the lower limit of the range of origin object versions that have version-to-version relationships described by this row. |
Z_OrgVE_Z | RTVerID | Indicates the upper limit of the range of origin object versions that have version-to-version relationships described by this row. It can be a special value indicating that the range is unlimited. |
Z_OrgLClock_Z | RTLClock | For internal use only. |
DstID | RTIntID | The internal identifier for the destination object of the relationship. |
Z_DstBrID_Z | RTBrID | For relationship rows, indicates the branch of the version graph containing the destination object version.
For auxiliary rows, it can indicate the branch containing the pinned object version of an origin versioned relationship. |
Z_DstVS_Z | RTVerID | For relationship rows, indicates the lower limit of the range of destination object versions that have version-to-version relationships described by this row.
For auxiliary rows, it can indicate the pinned object version of an origin versioned relationship. |
Z_DstVE_Z | RTVerID | Indicates the upper limit of the range of destination object versions having version-to-version relationships described by this row. |
Z_DstLClock_Z | RTLClock | For internal use only. |
OrgTypeID | RTIntID | The internal identifier for the class to which the origin object conforms. It is redundantly stored in this table for performance reasons. |
RelTypeID | RTIntID | The internal identifier for the relationship type. |
DstTypeID | RTIntID | The internal identifier for the class to which the destination object conforms. It is redundantly stored in this table for performance reasons. |
PrevDstID | RTIntID | This property is NULL for every relationship row and any auxiliary row of a nonsequenced relationship. For an auxiliary row describing an item in a sequenced relationship collection, this column has a nonNULL value that refers to the previous relationship in the sequenced collection. Specifically, the value is the internal identifier of the previous relationship; that is, the value in the DstID column of the relationship row describing that previous relationship. |
DstName | RTNameString | The name of the destination object. More precisely, the name (as defined by this naming relationship) by which each origin version (in the range of origin versions) refers to each destination version (in the range of destination versions). If the relationship is not a naming relationship, then this field is NULL. |
DstNameLong | Text, 16 bytes |
If the name of the destination object is too long for the DstName field, this field contains the full name. Otherwise, this field is NULL. The maximum length for this value is 16 bytes. |
Z_RelFlags_Z | RTFlags | A value of 2 indicates that the row is a relationship row; a value of 1 indicates it is an auxiliary row. |
The RTblRelships table stores information about each object version combination that exists in a two-way versioned relationship. Within a relationship where both objects are versioned, multiple versions can exist for each object pairing. For example, one instance of a relationship may associate Object_X version 3 with Object_Y version 2, a second instance may associate Object_X version 4 with Object_Y version 5, and so on. This table tracks data about each combination of versioned objects.
Another SQL table stores relationship definition properties. For more information, see RTblRelshipDefs SQL Table.
The primary key for this table is formed from the OrgID, Z_OrgBrID_Z, Z_OrgVS_Z, DstID, Z_DstBrID_Z, Z_DstVS_Z, RelTypeID, and Z_RelFlags_Z columns.
The RTblRelships table stores two kinds of rows: relationship rows and auxiliary rows. Relationship rows store data about specific combinations of versioned objects. Auxiliary rows contain pinning and sequence information for an origin versioned relationship. Examples illustrate each case and explain how to interpret instance data in the table.
Not every origin versioned relationship has a corresponding auxiliary row. If the origin versioned relationship is not part of a sequencing collection and does not have any member of its TargetVersions collection pinned, it does not have an auxiliary row.