This example shows how multiple versions of an origin object can be related to one version of a destination object. Multiple versions of an origin object are indicated by the inequality between the two endpoints of a range of origin object versions.
Within a relationship row, if Z_OrgVS_Z < Z_OrgVE_Z, the row describes more than one version-to-version relationship. For example, suppose that Z_DstVS_Z = Z_DstVE_Z, but that Z_OrgVS_Z < Z_OrgVE_Z. The set of destination versions referred to by this row includes exactly one item, but the set of origin versions referred to by this row includes n (n > 1) items. In this situation, this row of the table indicates the existence of n different version-to-version relationships.
For example, if a row contains the following values, it describes three version-to-version relationships, where versions 3, 4, and 5 of an origin object are related to one versioned destination object:
OrgID = 7
Z_OrgBrID_Z = 1
Z_OrgVS_Z = 3
Z_OrgVE_Z = 5
DstID = 888
Z_DstBrID_Z = 4
Z_DstVS_Z = 2
Z_DstVE_Z = 2
RelTypeID = 465
Z_RelFlags_Z = 2