Meta Data Services Programming

RTblRelships Example Five

This example shows sequence data in an auxiliary row. When Z_RelFlags_Z is equal to 1, the row is an auxiliary row. When equal to 2, it is a relationship row.

For each item in a sequenced origin versioned relationship, an auxiliary row in RTblVersions exists. For example, consider the following sequenced origin versioned relationship.

The figure shows a sequenced origin versioned relationship. Because the versioned relationship has two items, there are two sets of rows in the RTblVersions table. One set consists of one relationship row and one auxiliary row, with these values:

OrgID  =  008
Z_OrgBrID_Z  = 2
Z_OrgVS_Z  =  3
Z_OrgVE_Z  =  3
DstID  =  984
Z_DstBrID_Z  =  0
Z_DstVS_Z  =  5
Z_DstVE_Z  =  5
RelTypeID  =  522
PrevDstID  =  NULL
Z_RelFlags_Z  =  2

OrgID  =  008
Z_OrgBrID_Z  = 2
Z_OrgVS_Z  =  3
Z_OrgVE_Z  =  3
DstID  =  984
Z_DstBrID_Z  =  0
Z_DstVS_Z  =  5
Z_DstVE_Z  =  5
RelTypeID  =  522
Z_RelFlags_Z  =  1

The other item has two version-to-version relationships. The RTblVersions table expresses this as a set of three rows with the following values:

OrgID  =  008
Z_OrgBrID_Z  = 2
Z_OrgVS_Z  =  3
Z_OrgVE_Z  =  3
DstID  =  777
Z_DstBrID_Z  =  2
Z_DstVS_Z  =  2
Z_DstVE_Z  =  2
RelTypeID  =  522
PrevDstID  =  NULL
Z_RelFlags_Z  =  2

OrgID  =  008
Z_OrgBrID_Z  = 2
Z_OrgVS_Z  =  3
Z_OrgVE_Z  =  3
DstID  =  777
Z_DstBrID_Z  =  2
Z_DstVS_Z  =  3
Z_DstVE_Z  =  3
RelTypeID  =  522
PrevDstID  =  NULL
Z_RelFlags_Z  =  2

OrgID  =  008
Z_OrgBrID_Z  = 2
Z_OrgVS_Z  =  3
Z_OrgVE_Z  =  3
DstID  =  777
Z_DstVE_Z  =  NULL
RelTypeID  =  522
PrevDstID  =  984
Z_RelFlags_Z  =  1

See Also

RTblRelships SQL Table