Because data types can vary between database management systems, the repository engine maps its own set of repository data types to the SQL data types that are supported by the underlying database server.
This table translates repository data types into SQL data types known by the database server. For data types that vary between different database servers, the data type used for each database server is shown. In these cases, the Microsoft® SQL Server™ data type is shown with (S) appended to it, and the Microsoft Jet server data type is shown with (J) appended to it.
Repository SQL data types appear in repository SQL tables that compose the repository SQL schema.
Repository data type |
Database data type |
Description |
RTBoolean | bit (S) boolean (J) |
A true/false value |
RTBrID | 4-byte integer | A branch identifier |
RTCount | 2-byte integer | The count (that is, cardinality) of a collection |
RTDBVersion | 40-byte varchar | A string that indicates the engine version that created the database |
RTDispID | 4-byte integer | An Automation dispatch identifier |
RTFlags | 2-byte integer | Flag bits that define the behavior of an entity or indicate what kind of row exists in a table |
RTGUID | 16-byte binary | A globally unique identifier |
RTIntID | 8-byte binary | An internal identifier |
RTLClock | 4-byte integer | Logical clock value |
RTLocalID | 4-byte binary | A local identifier; part of an internal identifier |
RTLongBinary | image (S) longbinary (J) |
A long binary stream of data |
RTLongString | text (S) memo (J) |
A string with a maximum length of approximately 1 gigabyte (GB) |
RTNameString | 200-byte varchar | A special truncated name string used for indexing |
RTScale | 2-byte integer | Scale for numeric data; the number of digits after the decimal point |
RTShortString | 220-byte varchar | A special shortened string value used for indexing |
RTSiteID | 4-byte binary | A site identifier; part of an object identifier |
RTSize | 2-byte integer | The size of a data type, in bytes |
RTSQLName | 30-byte varchar | An SQL identifier; a table or column name |
RTSQLType | 2-byte integer | The ODBC representation of an SQL data type |
RTVerID | 4-byte integer | A version-within-branch identifier |