Meta Data Services Programming

RTblRelships Example Three

This example shows how the version graph defines an unbounded range for an origin object that is related to one versioned destination object.

Within a relationship row, if Z_OrgVE_ZVERINFINITY, the row describes one or more version-to-version relationships, depending on the shape of the version graph.

For example, consider the following two rows and the accompanying version graph of the origin object. Compare the row data to the diagram at the end of this topic.

OrgID  =  7
Z_OrgBrID_Z  = 2
Z_OrgVS_Z  =  5
DstID  =  888
Z_DstBrID_Z  =  4
Z_DstVS_Z  =  2
Z_DstVE_Z  =  2
RelTypeID  =  465
Z_RelFlags_Z  =  2

OrgID  =  7
Z_OrgBrID_Z  = 3
Z_OrgVS_Z  =  4
DstID  =  888
Z_DstBrID_Z  =  4
Z_DstVS_Z  =  2
Z_DstVE_Z  =  2
RelTypeID  =  465
Z_RelFlags_Z  =  2

The first row describes exactly three version-to-version relationships, because within Branch 2, there are three object versions whose version-within-branch identifiers are 5 or higher.

The second row describes exactly one version-to-version relationship, because within Branch 3, there is exactly one object version whose version-within-branch identifier is 4 or higher.

See Also

RTblRelships SQL Table