Analysis Services Programming

OLAP Schema Rowsets

The following table describes the schema rowsets that are used by Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Analysis Services for online analytical processing (OLAP).

Topic Description
MDSCHEMA_ACTIONS Contains information about the actions schema rowset, which describes the actions that may be available to the client application
MDSCHEMA_CELL_FORMULAS Contains information about the calculated cells schema rowset, which describes the calculated cells that may be contained within a database
MDSCHEMA_CUBES Contains information about the cubes schema rowset, which describes the structure of cubes that are contained within a database
MDSCHEMA_DIMENSIONS Contains information about the dimensions schema rowset, which describes the shared and private dimensions that are contained within a database
MDSCHEMA_FUNCTIONS Contains information about the functions schema rowset, which describes the functions that are available to client applications connected to the database
MDSCHEMA_HIERARCHIES Contains information about the hierarchies schema rowset, which describes each hierarchy that is contained within a particular dimension
MDSCHEMA_LEVELS Contains information about the levels schema rowset, which describes each level that is contained within a particular hierarchy
MDSCHEMA_MEASURES Contains information about the measures schema rowset, which describes each measure contained within a cube
MDSCHEMA_MEMBERS Contains information about the members schema rowset, which describes the members contained within a database
MDSCHEMA_PROPERTIES Contains information about the properties schema rowset, which describes the properties of members contained within a database
MDSCHEMA_SETS Contains information about the sets schema rowset, which describes any sets that are currently defined