This schema rowset describes the shared and private dimensions that are contained within a database.
Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Analysis Services extends the OLE DB specification with the addition of the following columns to this schema rowset.
Column name | Type | Description |
IS_READWRITE | DBTYPE_BOOL | Contains TRUE if the dimension is write-enabled. |
DIMENSION_UNIQUE_SETTINGS | DBTYPE_I4 | If the dimension contains only members with unique names or keys, this column contains a bitmap that specifies which columns contain unique values. The following bit value constants are defined in Msmd.h for this bitmap:
DIMENSION_MASTER_UNIQUE_NAME | DBTYPE_WSTR | If the value in the IS_VIRTUAL column of a dimension row in the schema rowset is set to TRUE (that is, if the dimension is virtual), this column contains the dimension on which that virtual dimension is based. |
DIMENSION_IS_VISIBLE | DBTYPE_BOOL | Contains TRUE if the dimension is visible. |
The meaning of the following column has changed since SQL Server version 7.0 OLAP Services.
Column name | Type indicator | Description |
DEFAULT_HIERARCHY | DBTYPE_WSTR | Contains the unique name of the hierarchy regardless of the number of hierarchies in the dimension. In earlier releases, this column contained VT_NULL if the dimension had only one hierarchy. |
For more information about the MDSCHEMA_DIMENSIONS schema rowset, see the OLE DB documentation.