DTS Programming

DTSFTPTask Object

The DTSFTPTask object transfers one or more files from a specified Internet FTP site or network directory to a destination directory.

Properties Collection

Description Property SourceFilename Property
DestSite Property SourceLocation Property
Name Property SourcePassword (DTSFTPTask) Property
NonOverwritable Property SourceSite Property
NumRetriesOnSource Property  

Execute Method


The New method of the Tasks collection of the Package object returns a reference to a Task object. The CustomTask property of the Task object returns a reference to the appropriate custom task object.


The following Microsoft® Visual Basic® code uses the DTSFTPTask object to copy the files File3.dat and NWProdWiz.xls from the directory I:\DTS\TestData to D:\DTS_UE\Dest.

Public Sub Main()
'Copy files from I:\DTS\TestData to D:\DTS_UE\Dest.
    Dim oPackage    As DTS.Package
    Dim oStep       As DTS.Step
    Dim oTask       As DTS.Task
    Dim oCustTask   As DTSCustTasks.DTSFTPTask
    Set oPackage = New DTS.Package
    oPackage.FailOnError = True
    'Create step and task, link step to task.
    Set oStep = oPackage.Steps.New
    oStep.Name = "FTPSrcDirStep"
    Set oTask = oPackage.Tasks.New("DTSFTPTask")
    Set oCustTask = oTask.CustomTask
    oCustTask.Name = "FTPSrcDirTask"
    oStep.TaskName = oCustTask.Name
    oPackage.Steps.Add oStep
    Set oStep = Nothing
    'Specify files, source and destination directories.
    oCustTask.SourceLocation = DTSFTPSourceLocation_Directory
    oCustTask.SourceSite = "I:\DTS\TestData"
    oCustTask.SourceFilename = _
    oCustTask.DestSite = "D:\DTS_UE\Dest"
    'Link task to package, run package.
    oPackage.Tasks.Add oTask
    Set oCustTask = Nothing
    Set oTask = Nothing
    Set oPackage = Nothing
End Sub