DTS Programming

NumRetriesOnSource Property

The NumRetriesOnSource property sets or returns the number of times a connection to the source will be attempted before a DTSFTPTask object considers it failed.

Applies To
DTSFTPTask Object


object.NumRetriesOnSource [= number]

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to a DTSFTPTask object
number Number of times connection to the source will be attempted before considered failed

Data Type




Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT NumRetriesOnSource(long* pVal);

HRESULT NumRetriesOnSource(long pVal);


No error is raised when the transfer of a source file is inhibited by the NonOverwritable property.

The property also can be referenced through the Properties collection of the Task object with the following code:

Set taskprops = task.Properties
taskprops("NumRetriesOnSource") [= number]

See Also

SourceLocation Property

SourceSite Property