DTS Programming

CustomTask Object

The CustomTask object is an interface that all Data Transformation Services (DTS) tasks must implement. This allows programmers to create their own custom tasks, which can be controlled by the DTS package.

Properties Collection

Description Property Name Property

Execute Method


After inheriting from the CustomTask object, a DTS custom task must implement the following:

To inherit from the CustomTask interface in Microsoft® Visual Basic®, the program references the interface with the Implements statement:

   Implements  DTS.CustomTask

Then prototypes for the elements the custom task must implement can be selected from the Procedures/Events box in the code window in the Visual Basic integrated development environment (IDE), after selecting CustomTask from the Object Box.

DTS implements a default properties provider for the Properties collection if the user-supplied Property Get CustomTask_Properties(.) function returns Nothing.

To implement a user interface in a custom task, the program must also inherit from the CustomTaskUI interface.

See Also

CustomTaskUI Object