SQL Server Architecture Overview
 Fundamentals of SQL Server 2000 Architecture
    SQL Server 2000 Component Overview
 Features of SQL Server 2000
    Integrated with the Internet
    Scalability and Availability
    Enterprise-Level Database Features
    Ease of Installation, Deployment, and Use
    Data Warehousing
 Relational Database Components
    Database Applications and Servers
    Client Components
    Communication Components
       Client and Server Net-Libraries
       Controlling Net-Libraries and Communications Addresses
       Tabular Data Stream Protocol
       Net-Library Encryption
    Server Components
       SQL Server Service
       SQL Server Agent Service
       Microsoft Search Service
       MSSQLServerADHelper Service
       MS DTC Service
       Multiple Instances of SQL Server
          Communicating with Multiple Instances
          Using Multiple Instances
          Working with Multiple Instances
       Federated SQL Server 2000 Servers
          Partitioning Data
       Failover Clustering Architecture
          SQL Server 2000 Failover Clusters
       Active Directory Integration
 SQL Server and XML Support
 Database Architecture
    Logical Database Components
       Data Types and Table Structures
       SQL Views
       SQL Stored Procedures
       SQL User-Defined Functions
       Constraints, Rules, Defaults, and Triggers
          SQL Server Collation Fundamentals
          Selecting Collations
          Specifying Collations
             Specifying the Default Collation for an Instance of SQL Server
          Mixed Collation Environments
          Changing Collations
       SQL Indexes
          Table Indexes
          View Indexes
          Maximum Size of Index Keys
       Property Management
       Full-Text Catalogs and Indexes
       Logins, Users, Roles, and Groups
       Owners and Permissions
       Session Context Information
    System Databases and Data
    Physical Database Architecture
       Pages and Extents
       Physical Database Files and Filegroups
       Space Allocation and Reuse
          Managing Extent Allocations and Free Space
          Managing Space Used by Objects
          Tracking Modified Extents
          Shrinking Databases
       Table and Index Architecture
          Distribution Statistics
          Heap Structures
          Clustered Indexes
          Nonclustered Indexes
          tempdb and Index Creation
          text, ntext, and image Data
             ntext, text, and image Data When text in row Is Set to OFF
             text, ntext, and image Data When text in row Is Set to ON
       Transaction Log Architecture
          Write-Ahead Transaction Log
          Transaction Log Logical Architecture
          Checkpoints and the Active Portion of the Log
          Truncating the Transaction Log
          Transaction Log Physical Architecture
          Shrinking the Transaction Log
 Relational Database Engine Architecture
    Relational Database Engine Architecture Overview
       Database Engine Components
          Relational Engine
          Storage Engine
          SQL Server Language Support
    Query Processor Architecture
       Single SQL Statement Processing
          View Resolution
             Resolving Indexes on Views
             Resolving Distributed Partitioned Views
       Batch Processing
       Stored Procedure and Trigger Execution
       Execution Plan Caching and Reuse
          Parameters and Execution Plan Reuse
          Preparing SQL Statements
       Parallel Query Processing
          Degree of Parallelism
          Parallel Query Example
          Parallel Operations Creating Indexes
    Memory Architecture
       Dynamically Managing Memory on Windows NT and Windows 2000
          Effects of min and max server memory
          Dynamically Managing Memory Between Multiple Instances
       Dynamically Managing Memory on Windows 95 and Windows 98
       Using AWE Memory on Windows 2000
       SQL Server Memory Pool
    Thread and Task Architecture
       SQL Server Task Scheduling
          Allocating Threads to a CPU
          Using the lightweight pooling Option
       Thread and Fiber Execution
    I/O Architecture
       Reading Pages
       Freeing and Writing Buffer Pages
    Distributed Query Architecture
    Full-Text Query Architecture
       Full-Text Indexing Support
       Full-Text Querying Support
    Extended Stored Procedure Architecture
    Remote Stored Procedure Architecture
    Transactions Architecture
       Transaction Recovery
       Concurrency Architecture
       Locking Architecture
       Distributed Transactions Architecture
    Cursor Architecture
    Server Scalability
       SQL Server 2000 on Large Servers
       SQL Server 2000 Databases on the Desktop
       SQL Server 2000 on Windows 98
       SQL Server 2000 and Windows CE
    SQL Server and Mail Integration
 Administration Architecture
    DDL and Stored Procedures
    SQL Distributed Management Framework
       SQL-DMF Applications
       SQL-DMF APIs
       SQL Server Agent
    Graphical Tools
       SQL Server Enterprise Manager
       SQL Query Analyzer
       Windows 2000 System Monitor
       Import and Export Data
       SQL Profiler
       SQL Server Service Manager
       Client Network Utility
       Server Network Utility
       Miscellaneous Utilities
    Automated Administration Architecture
    Backup/Restore Architecture
       Backup Devices
       Types of Backup and Restore Processes
          Database Backup and Restore
          Transaction Log Backup and Restore
          Differential Backup and Restore
          File and Filegroup Backup and Restore
       Fuzzy Backup and Restore Operations
       Parallel Backup and Restore
    Data Import/Export Architecture
    Data Integrity Validation
 Replication Architecture
 Data Warehousing and Online Analytical Processing
    Transforming OLTP Data to OLAP Data Warehouses
    SQL Server 2000 Data Warehouse and OLAP Components
 Application Development Architecture
    Choosing an API
       SQL Server and ADO
       SQL Server and Universal Resource Locators
       SQL Server and OLE DB
       SQL Server and ODBC
       SQL-DMO API
       SQL Namespace API
       Replication Component Programming API
       Data Transformation Services API
       SQL Server and English Query
       Extended Stored Procedure API
       SQL Server and Embedded SQL
       DB-Library API
    SQL Syntax Recommendations
 Implementation Details
    Editions of SQL Server 2000
       Operating Systems Supported by the Editions of SQL Server 2000
       Features Supported by the Editions of SQL Server 2000
    Maximum Capacity Specifications
    Configuration Option Specifications
    Memory Used by SQL Server Objects Specifications