SQL Server Architecture


Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 triggers are a special class of stored procedure defined to execute automatically when an UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statement is issued against a table or view. Triggers are powerful tools that sites can use to enforce their business rules automatically when data is modified. Triggers can extend the integrity checking logic of SQL Server constraints, defaults, and rules, although constraints and defaults should be used instead whenever they provide all the needed functionality.

Tables can have multiple triggers. The CREATE TRIGGER statement can be defined with the FOR UPDATE, FOR INSERT, or FOR DELETE clauses to target a trigger to a specific class of data modification actions. When FOR UPDATE is specified, the IF UPDATE (column_name) clause can be used to target a trigger to updates affecting a particular column.

Triggers can automate the processing for a company. In an inventory system, update triggers can detect when a stock level reaches a reorder point and generate an order to the supplier automatically. In a database recording the processes in a factory, triggers can e-mail or page operators when a process exceeds defined safety limits.

The following trigger generates an e-mail whenever a new title is added in the pubs database:

ON titles
   EXEC master..xp_sendmail 'MaryM',
      'New title, mention in the next report to distributors.'

Triggers contain Transact-SQL statements, much the same as stored procedures. Triggers, like stored procedures, return the result set generated by any SELECT statements in the trigger. Including SELECT statements in triggers, except statements that only fill parameters, is not recommended. This is because users do not expect to see any result sets returned by an UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statement.

You can use the FOR clause to specify when a trigger is executed:

See Also

Enforcing Business Rules with Triggers