SQL Server Architecture


Constraints allow you to define the way Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 automatically enforces the integrity of a database. Constraints define rules regarding the values allowed in columns and are the standard mechanism for enforcing integrity. Using constraints is preferred to using triggers, rules, and defaults. The query optimizer also uses constraint definitions to build high-performance query execution plans.

Classes of Constraints

SQL Server 2000 supports five classes of constraints.

Column and Table Constraints

Constraints can be column constraints or table constraints:

Table constraints must be used when more than one column must be included in a constraint.

For example, if a table has two or more columns in the primary key, you must use a table constraint to include both columns in the primary key. Consider a table that records events happening in a computer in a factory. Assume that events of several types can happen at the same time, but that no two events happening at the same time can be of the same type. This can be enforced in the table by including both the type and time columns in a two-column primary key.

CREATE TABLE factory_process
   (event_type   int,
   event_time   datetime,
   event_site   char(50),
   event_desc   char(1024),
CONSTRAINT event_key PRIMARY KEY (event_type, event_time) )

See Also


Creating and Modifying a Table