The User object exposes the attributes of a single Microsoft® SQL Server™ database user.
A database user is a security principal enabling object access permission control at the finest level of granularity. A user represents a single SQL Server login within the scope of the database in which the user is defined.
With the User object, you can:
The Name property of a User object is a character string. Name must be a valid string for the SQL Server sysname data type and cannot include a backslash character (\).
When creating a database user by using the User object, setting the Name property is optional. When the Name property is not set, a user is created having the same name as the value specified by using the Login property.
To create a database user
A database user cannot be removed if the user owns objects in the database. With SQL-DMO, use the Owner property to reassign database object ownership.
To remove a database user
Note The User object is compatible with instances of SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server version 7.0. However, the User2 object extends the functionality of the User object for use with features that are new in SQL Server 2000.