Remove Method (Objects)

The Remove method drops the referenced database, agent, or replication object from an instance of Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 connected to, and removes the SQL-DMO object from its containing collection.

Applies To
Alert Object Login Object
BackupDevice Object MergeArticle Object
Category Object MergeDynamicSnapshotJob Object
Check Object MergePublication Object
Column Object MergePullSubscription Object
Database Object MergeSubscription Object
DatabaseRole Object MergeSubsetFilter Object
DBFile Object RegisteredServer Object
DBObject Object RegisteredSubscriber Object
Default Object RemoteLogin Object
DistributionArticle Object RemoteServer Object
DistributionDatabase Object Rule Object
DistributionPublication Object ServerGroup Object
DistributionPublisher Object StoredProcedure Object
DistributionSubscription Object Table Object
DRIDefault Object TargetServerGroup Object
FileGroup Object TransArticle Object
FullTextCatalog Object TransPublication Object
Index Object TransPullSubscription Object
Job Object TransSubscription Object
JobSchedule Object Trigger Object
JobStep Object User Object
Key Object UserDefinedDatatype Object
LinkedServer Object UserDefinedFunction Object
LinkedServerLogin Object View Object


object.Remove( )



Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT Remove();


For more information about using the Remove method of a SQL-DMO object, including information on privilege required, see documentation for the object or its containing collection.

Note  If an application calls Remove with the TransPublication object after the initial snapshot has been created, a new snapshot must be generated. Snapshots are applied when the next scheduled snapshot agent runs.