Script Method

The Script method generates a Transact-SQL command batch that can be used to re-create the Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 component referenced by the SQL-DMO object.

Applies To
Alert Object Key Object
Alerts Collection Login Object
Check Object Operator Object
Database Object Operators Collection
DatabaseRole Object Rule Object
DBObject Object StoredProcedure Object
Default Object Trigger Object
DRIDefault Object User Object
FullTextCatalog Object UserDefinedDatatype Object
Index Object UserDefinedFunction Object
Job Object View Object
Jobs Collection  


object.Script( [ ScriptType ] [, ScriptFilePath ] [, Script2Type ] ) as String



Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.


Optional. A long integer that overrides default scripting behavior as described in Settings.


Optional. A string that specifies an operating system file as an additional target for the generated Transact-SQL script.


Optional. A long integer that overrides default scripting behavior as described in Settings.

Prototype (C/C++)

SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE ScriptType = SQLDMOScript_Default, SQLDMO_LPCSTR ScriptFilePath = NULL,
SQLDMO_SCRIPT2_TYPE Script2Type = SQLDMOScript2_Default);

Note  SQL-DMO strings are always returned as OLE BSTR objects. A C/C++ application obtains a reference to the string. The application must release the reference using SysFreeString.


When setting the ScriptType argument specifying multiple behaviors, combine values using an OR logical operator. Use these values to set ScriptType.

Constant Value Description
SQLDMOScript_DatabasePermissions 32 Generate Transact-SQL database privilege defining script. Database permissions grant or deny  statement execution rights.
SQLDMOScript_Default 4 SQLDMOScript_PrimaryObject.
SQLDMOScript_Drops 1 Generate Transact-SQL to remove referenced component. Script tests for existence prior attempt to remove component.
SQLDMOScript_IncludeHeaders 131072 Generated script is prefixed with a header containing date and time of generation and other descriptive information.
SQLDMOScript_IncludeIfNotExists 4096 Transact-SQL creating a component is prefixed by a check for existence. When script is executed, component is created only when a copy of the named component does not exist.
SQLDMOScript_Indexes 73736 SQLDMOScript_ClusteredIndexes, SQLDMOScript_NonClusteredIndexes, and SQLDMOScript_DRIIndexes combined using an OR logical operator. Applies to both table and view objects.
SQLDMOScript_NoCommandTerm 32768 Individual Transact-SQL statements in the script are not delimited using the connection-specific command terminator. By default, individual Transact-SQL statements are delimited.
SQLDMOScript_ObjectPermissions 2 Include Transact-SQL privilege defining statements when scripting database objects.
SQLDMOScript_OwnerQualify 262144 Object names in Transact-SQL generated to remove an object are qualified by the owner of the referenced object. Transact-SQL generated to create the referenced object qualify the object name using the current object owner.
SQLDMOScript_Permissions 34 SQLDMOScript_ObjectPermissions and SQLDMOScript_DatabasePermissions combined using an OR logical operator.
SQLDMOScript_PrimaryObject 4 Generate Transact-SQL creating the referenced component.
SQLDMOScript_TimestampToBinary 524288 When scripting object creation for a table or user-defined data type, convert specification of timestamp data type to binary(8).
SQLDMOScript_ToFileOnly 64 Most SQL-DMO object scripting methods specify both a return value and an optional output file. When used, and an output file is specified, the method does not return the script to the caller, but only writes the script to the output file.
SQLDMOScript_UseQuotedIdentifiers -1 Use quote characters to delimit identifier parts when scripting object names.

When setting the Script2Type argument specifying multiple behaviors, combine values using an OR logical operator. Use these values to set Script2Type.

Constant Value Description
SQLDMOScript2_AgentAlertJob 2048 Generate Transact-SQL script creating SQLServerAgent service jobs and alerts.
SQLDMOScript2_AgentNotify 1024 When scripting an alert, generate script creating notifications for the alert.
SQLDMOScript2_AnsiFile 2 Generated script file uses multibyte characters. Code page 1252 is used to determine character meaning.
SQLDMOScript2_Default 0 No scripting options specified.
SQLDMOScript2_EncryptPWD 128 Encrypt passwords with script. When specified, SQLDMOScript2_UnicodeFile must be specified as well.
SQLDMOScript2_ExtendedProperty 4194304 Include extended property scripting as part of object scripting.
SQLDMOScript2_FullTextCat 2097152 Command batch includes Transact-SQL statements creating Microsoft Search full-text catalogs.
SQLDMOScript2_LoginSID 8192 Include security identifiers for logins scripted.
SQLDMOScript2_MarkTriggers 32 Generated script creates replication implementing triggers as system objects. Applies only when scripting replication articles.
SQLDMOScript2_NoCollation 8388608 Do not script the collation clause if source is later tha SQL Server version 7.0. The default is to generate collation.
SQLDMOScript2_UnicodeFile 4 Generated script output file is a Unicode-character text file.


A Transact-SQL command batch as a string.


The Script method generates a Transact-SQL command batch that defines an existing SQL Server component. Some SQL-DMO objects, such as the Index object, support command batch generation for SQL-DMO objects that defines new components through the GenerateSQL method.

Use the GenerateSQL method when capturing object definition. Use the Script method when capturing an image of an exiting component. When using the Script method as part of an application process re-creating a component, specify SQLDMOScript_Drops in the ScriptType argument to include a drop of the existing component in the command batch.

Note  SQL-DMO object scripting methods are fully compatible with an instance of SQL Server version 7.0. However, database compatibility level affects Transact-SQL command batch contents.

When scripting a database with a compatibility level of less than 7.0, or when scripting any of its objects, the resulting Transact-SQL command batch includes only keywords reserved by that level.

Transact-SQL command syntax is always compliant with an instance of SQL Server 7.0. Where provided, you can use optional scripting arguments, such as SQLDMOScript2_NoFG to remove some syntax of an instance of SQL Server 7.0.