Meta Data Services Programming

RTblNamedObj SQL Table

RTblNamedObj stores instance data of the Name property exposed through the INamedObject interface of a repository object.

Column name Data type Description
IntID RTIntID The internal identifier of the class
Z_BranchID_Z RTBrID Indicates the branch of the version graph containing the range to whose items the property values in this row apply
Z_VS_Z RTVerID A version-within-branch identifier indicating the lower limit of the range to whose items the property values in this row apply
Z_VE_Z RTVerID A version-within-branch identifier indicating the upper limit of the range to whose items the property values in this row apply
Name Text The name of the object, as specified by the Name property of the INamedObject interface


The RTblNamedObj table is an interface-specific table; its columns correspond to the properties exposed by the INamedObject interface. If you create a custom interface, you must implement INamedObject if you want to use the Name property to refer to an object.

See Also

INamedObject Interface

InterfaceDef Class

Repository SQL Data Types

Repository SQL Schema

Repository SQL Tables

RTblSumInfo SQL Table

RTblVersionAdminInfo SQL Table

RTblVersions SQL Table