RTblVersionAdminInfo stores version information for objects created through custom interfaces.
Column name | Data type | Description |
IntID | RTIntID | The internal identifier of the class. |
Z_BranchID_Z | RTBrID | Indicates the branch of the version graph that contains the range to whose items the property values in this row apply. |
Z_VS_Z | RTVerID | A version-within-branch identifier that indicates the lower limit of the range to whose items the property values in this row apply. |
Z_VE_Z | RTVerID | A version-within-branch identifier that indicates the upper limit of the range to whose items the property values in this row apply. |
VersionCreateTime | Datetime, 8 bytes |
The time the version was created. The maximum length for this value is 8 bytes. |
VersionModifyTime | Datetime, 8 bytes |
The time the version was modified. The maximum length for this value is 8 bytes. |
CreateByUser | RTLongString | The user who created the version. |
ModifyByUser | RTLongString | The user who modified the version. |
VersionLabel | Varchar, 255 bytes |
A string provided by an application to indicate a version label. The maximum length for this value is 255 bytes. |
VersionShortDesc | Varchar, 255 bytes |
A short summary of the version comments. The maximum length for this value is 255 bytes. |
VersionComments | Text, 16 bytes |
Comments added when a file is checked in a version control system. The maximum length for this value is 16 bytes. |
The RTblVersionAdminInfo table is an interface-specific table; its columns correspond to the properties exposed by the IVersionAdminInfo interface. By default, no class of the repository API implements IVersionAdminInfo. However, as soon as you insert any class that implements IVersionAdminInfo, the engine creates the table.
Each row of this table is either a version row or a merge row. Each version row describes an object version. Each merge row indicates that one or more merge operations occurred between the same pair of object versions. For more information, see RTblVersions SQL Table.
The primary key is formed from the IntID, Z_BranchID_Z, and Z_VS_Z columns.