Meta Data Services Programming

RTblProps SQL Table

RTblProps stores one row for each annotational property instance that is attached to a repository object.

Column name Data type Description
IntID RTIntID The internal identifier for the object to which this annotational property is attached.
PropID RTIntID The internal identifier of a property definition object. A PropertyDef object is a prerequisite to using annotational properties.
PropValue RTShortString The value of the annotational property instance.


The RTblProps table stores instances of annotational properties that you define for a repository object. An annotational property associates a user-defined text string with a specific repository object. User-defined text strings are stored in this table. A similar table stores data for relationships. For more information, see RTblRelshipProps SQL Table.

The primary key for this table is formed from the IntID and PropID columns. A nonunique index is defined on concatenated values from the PropID and PropValue columns.

See Also

PropertyDef Class

Repository SQL Data Types

Repository SQL Schema

Repository SQL Tables