Meta Data Services Programming

RTblRelshipProps SQL Table

RTblRelshipProps stores one row for each annotational property instance that is attached to a relationship definition.

Column name Data type Description
OrgID RTIntID The internal identifier for the origin object of the relationship.
RelTypeID RTIntID The internal identifier for the relationship type.
DstID RTIntID The internal identifier for the destination object of the relationship.
PropID RTIntID The internal identifier of a property definition object. A PropertyDef object is a prerequisite to using annotational properties.
PropValue RTShortString The value of the annotational property instance.


The RTblRelshipProps table stores instances of annotational properties that you define for a relationship definition. An annotational property associates a user-defined text string with a specific relationship definition. User-defined text strings are stored in this table. A similar table stores data for repository objects. For more information, see RTblProps SQL Table.

Note  Annotational properties are not version-specific. Annotational properties that you create apply to the repository object as a whole.

The primary key for this table is formed from the OrgID, RelTypeID, DstID, and PropID columns. A single nonunique index is defined on the concatenation of the PropID and PropValue columns.

See Also

PropertyDef Class

PropertyDef Object

Repository SQL Data Types

Repository SQL Schema

Repository SQL Tables