Meta Data Services Programming

RTblPropDefs SQL Table

RTblPropDefs contains one row for each property definition object that is stored in a repository database.

Column name Data type Description
IntID RTIntID The internal identifier for the property definition object.
Z_BranchID_Z RTBrID The branch identifier for repository API versioning. It is reserved for proprietary use by the repository engine. The value of this column is always zero.
Z_VS_Z RTVerID An identifier for repository API versioning. It is reserved for proprietary use by the repository engine. The value of this column is always zero.
Z_VE_Z RTVerID An identifier for repository API versioning. It is reserved for proprietary use by the repository engine. The value of this column is always VERINFINITY.
SQLColName Varchar,
255 bytes
The name of the column in the SQL table for this property. This field can be NULL. The maximum length for this value is 255 bytes.
APIType RTSQLType The C language data type for the property. This is the type of the property when it is passed through a repository programming interface.
SQLType RTSQLType The SQL data type for the property.
SQLSize RTSize The length in bytes of the property in terms of its SQL data type.
SQLScale RTScale The scale for a numeric property; the number of digits after the decimal point. This field can be NULL.
Flags RTFlags Flags that determine property behavior. For more information about flag values, see PropertyDef Flags Property.
ViewColumnName Varchar, 128 bytes A user-defined name applied to a view column. The maximum length for this value is 128 bytes.
SQLBlobSize Integer, 4 bytes The maximum size of a property definition. The maximum length for this value is 4 bytes.


The RTblPropDefs table stores instance data for PropertyDef objects you create. The repository engine uses information contained in this table to create an extended schema (or interface-specific SQL tables) when an interface is added.

Note  Annotational properties are not version-specific. Annotational properties that you create apply to the repository object as a whole.

The primary key for this table is formed from the IntID, Z_BranchID_Z, and Z_VS_Z columns.

Z_BranchID_Z, Z_VS_Z, and Z_VE_Z are included to provide future support for versioning repository API definitions. At this time, there is only one version of PropertyDef.

See Also

IViewPropertyDef Interface

PropertyDef Class

PropertyDef Object

Repository SQL Data Types

Repository SQL Schema

Repository SQL Tables

RTblVersionAdminInfo SQL Table

RTblVersions SQL Table