Analysis Services Programming

NextAnalysisStep (clsPartitionAnalyzer)

The NextAnalysisStep method of an object of ClassType clsPartitionAnalyzer adds a set of aggregations to the DesignedAggregations collection. It calculates the improved query performance and the storage requirements for the new aggregations.


bRet = object. NextAnalysisStep(PercentageBenefit As Double, AccumulatedSize As Double, AggregationsCount As Long)


This value is True if the method completed successfully, False otherwise.


The object of ClassType clsPartitionAnalyzer used to perform the analysis.


The estimated percentage performance improvement that would be realized using the current collection of DesignedAggregations, as opposed to querying against the underlying fact table. This is an output parameter.


The estimated hard disk storage requirements (in bytes) for the current collection of DesignedAggregations. This is an output parameter.


The number of aggregations contained in the current collection of DesignedAggregations. This is an output parameter.


NextAnalysisStep analyzes the schema of a partition and generates a collection of aggregations that improves query performance. You can run the analysis without constraints. If no constraints are specified, the analysis yields a generalized optimization. For more information, see AddGoalQuery and PrepareGoalQueries.


Use the following code to run a series of analyses until either of the following two goals is reached:

For more information, see CloseAggregationsAnalysis and InitializeDesign.

Place the following code in your form's Declarations section:

' Assume the existence of an object (dsoPartAnalyzer) of ClassType
' clsPartitionAnalyzer.
Private blnStopAdding          As Boolean
Private dblPercentageBenefit   As Double
Private dblAccumulatedSize     As Double
Private lngAggregationsCount   As Long

' Iterate through analysis until either goal is reached.
Do Until blnStopAdding  
    If Not dsoPartAnalyzer.NextAnalysisStep(dblPercentageBenefit, _
    dblAccumulatedSize, lngAggregationsCount) Then
        blnStopAdding = True 'No new aggregations designed.
        blnStopAdding = (lngAggregationsCount >= 20) Or _
        (dblAccumulatedSize >= 100000)
    End If

See Also

