Analysis Services Programming

CloseAggregationsAnalysis (clsPartitionAnalyzer)

The CloseAggregationsAnalysis method of an object of ClassType clsPartitionAnalyzer closes the partition analyzer session and clears the temporary objects used during the analysis.


object. CloseAggregationsAnalysis


The object of ClassType clsPartitionAnalyzer used to perform the analysis.


This method does not permanently save the DesignedAggregations collection in the partition. It clears the temporary objects used during the analysis. If you want to save the results from a partition analyzer session you must do so programmatically. The sections in the following example show how to save the results of an analysis in the partition.


Use the following code to run several analysis steps, save the results, and close the analysis. The analysis continues until one of the following goals is reached:

For more information, see InitializeDesign.

' Assume the existence of an object (dsoPart) of ClassType
' clsPartition and an object (dsoPartAnalyzer) of ClassType
' clsPartitionAnalyzer.
Private blnStopAdding      As Boolean
Dim dblPercentageBenefit   As Double
Dim dblAccumulatedSize     As Double
Dim lngAggregationsCount   As Long


' Iterate through analysis until either goal is reached.
Do Until blnStopAdding  
    If Not dsoPartAnalyzer.NextAnalysisStep(dblPercentageBenefit, _
    dblAccumulatedSize, lngAggregationsCount) Then
        blnStopAdding = True ' No new aggregations designed.
        blnStopAdding = (lngAggregationsCount >= 20) Or _
        (dblAccumulatedSize >= 100000)
    End If

' Delete existing aggregations.
Do While dsoPart.MDStores.Count
    dsoPart.MDStores.Remove 1

' Add designed aggregations to partition.
For Each Agg In dsoPartAnalyzer.DesignedAggregations
    dsoPart.MDStores.Add Agg
Next Agg

dsoPartAnalyzer.CloseAggregationsAnalysis  'Close the analysis.

See Also


