Analysis Services Programming

InitializeDesign (clsPartitionAnalyzer)

The InitializeDesign method of an object of ClassType clsPartitionAnalyzer checks the partition structure to ensure that clsPartitionAnalyzer can be run on it and initializes the objects necessary for performing the analysis.


object. InitializeDesign([ByVal OlapMode])


The object of ClassType clsPartitionAnalyzer used to perform the analysis.


An optional Variant value representing an OlapStorageModes constant. If no value is supplied, the value supplied by the AggregationsOLAPMode property of the parent object is used.


The InitializeDesign method does not work on partitions associated with linked cubes, because no aggregations are allowed for linked cubes.


Use the following code to create an object of ClassType clsPartitionAnalyzer and initialize its design.

Note  This example will fail if the first cube in the server's collection is a linked cube, because you cannot design aggregations for linked cubes.

Dim dsoServer         As DSO.Server
Dim dsoDB             As DSO.MDStore
Dim dsoCube           As DSO.MDStore
Dim dsoPart           As DSO.MDStore
Dim dsoAgg            As DSO.MDStore
Dim dsoPartAnalyzer   As DSO.PartitionAnalyzer
Dim strErr            As String

' Initialize server
' LocalHost defaults to your Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.0 computer
' name.
Set dsoServer = New DSO.Server

Set dsoDB = Server.MDStores(1)  ' Get first database on server.
Debug.Print " Database Opened: " & dsoDB.Name
Set dsoCube = dsoDB.MDStores(1)  ' Get first cube in database.
Debug.Print "  Cube Opened: " & dsoCube.Name
Set dsoPart = dsoCube.MDStores(1)  ' Get first partition in cube.
Debug.Print "   Partition Opened: " & dsoPart.Name
Set dsoPartAnalyzer = dsoPart.Analyzer  ' Instantiate an analyzer object.


See Also


