Analysis Services Programming

Properties, clsMiningModel

An object of ClassType clsMiningModel supports the following properties.

Property Description Access
AreKeysUnique Indicates whether key columns defined in the Columns collection uniquely identify members in the case table. R/W**
CaseDimension Identifies the dimension that contains cases for the mining model. R/W*
CaseLevel Identifies the level of the CaseDimension that contains the cases for the mining model. R*
ClassType Returns an enumeration constant that identifies the specific object type. R
Description The description of the mining model. R/W
Filter Filters the case rows used to train the mining model. R/W**
FromClause Specifies the FROM clause of the SQL query that returns the cases for the mining model. R/W**
IsVisible Indicates whether the mining model is visible to client applications. R/W
JoinClause Specifies the JOIN clause of the SQL query that returns the cases for the mining model. R/W**
LastProcessed The date and time when the mining model was last processed. R
LastUpdated A user-specified date. It is not used by Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Analysis Services. R/W
MiningAlgorithm Identifies the mining algorithm used by the mining model. R/W
Name The name of the mining model. R/W
Parameters The string that contains parameter value settings for the MiningAlgorithm property. R/W
Parent Returns a reference to the parent MDStore object. R
SourceCube Returns a reference to the cube used to define a mining model. R/W*
State Indicates the status of the mining model. R
SubClassType Returns an enumeration constant that identifies the subclass type. R
TrainingQuery Identifies the query used for training the mining model. R/W
XML Returns the Extensible Markup Language (XML) representation of a trained mining model. R

* This property applies only to mining models of SubClassType sbclsOlap.
** This property applies only to mining models of SubClassType sbclsRelational.