Analysis Services Programming

CaseDimension (clsMiningModel)

The CaseDimension property of an object of ClassType clsMiningModel identifies the dimension that contains the cases for the mining model. This property applies only to mining models of SubClassType sbclsOlap.

Data Type





The CaseDimension property must be set to a visible shared or private dimension used by the source cube (that is, an object of ClassType clsDatabaseDimension or clsCubeDimension whose IsVisible property is set to True). If the IsVisible property of the shared or private dimension is set to False, or if the dimension is not used by the source cube specified in the SourceCube property, an error is raised.

Building an OLAP Mining Model

The following example builds an OLAP data mining model and sets its case dimension to Customers:

dsoDmm.Description = "Analyzes the purchasing behavior of customers"
dsoDmm.MiningAlgorithm = "Microsoft_Decision_Trees"
dsoDmm.SourceCube = "Sales"
dsoDmm.CaseDimension = "Customers"
dsoDmm.TrainingQuery = "" 'Let DSO figure out the training query.

See Also

