The FromClause property of an object of ClassType clsMiningModel specifies the FROM clause of the SQL pass-through query that is used when training the mining model. This property applies only to mining models of SubClassType sbclsRelational.
The FromClause property contains the string used by the data source provider to construct a FROM clause for the SQL pass-through query that is used to return the training data set for the mining model.
Note You must separate the table and column names with the delimiters appropriate to the source database. You can use the CloseQuoteChar and OpenQuoteChar properties of the DataSource object to determine the correct delimiters.
The following code example shows the FromClause property being set use to two tables, sales_fact_1997 and customer, to provide training data:
' Assume the existence of a clsMiningModel object named dsoDMM.
dsoDMM.FromClause = """sales_fact_1997"", ""customer"""
The previous code example sets the FromClause property to the following string:
"sales_fact_1997", "customer"