DTS Programming

Task Objects

The following table describes the Data Transformation Services (DTS) task classes supplied with Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000.

DTS Task Description
ActiveScriptTask Object Runs a Microsoft ActiveX® script in the context of a DTS task.
BulkInsertTask Object Performs the function of Transact-SQL BULK INSERT statements.
CreateProcessTask Object Runs a Microsoft Win32® executable or batch file.
CreateProcessTask2 Object Extends the CreateProcessTask object.
DataDrivenQueryTask Object Transforms source data and writes it to the destination through user-specified queries.
DataDrivenQueryTask2 Object Extends the DataDrivenQueryTask object.
DataPumpTask Object Transforms source data and copies it to the destination.
DataPumpTask2 Object Extends the DataPumpTask object.
DynamicPropertiesTask Object Changes the values of the properties of DTS objects at runtime.
ExecutePackageTask Object Runs another DTS package.
ExecuteSQLTask Object Runs a sequence of SQL statements.
ExecuteSQLTask2 Object Runs a sequence of SQL statements. Extended ExecuteSQLTask object.
DTSFTPTask Object Transfers files using File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
DTSMessageQueueTask Object Sends and receives Message Queuing messages.
ParallelDataPumpTask Object Transforms hierarchical source rowsets and writes to destination.
SendMailTask Object Sends e-mail in the context of a DTS task.
TransferObjectsTask Object Transfers SQL Server objects between source and destination.
TransferObjectsTask2 Object Transfers SQL Server objects between source and destination. Extended TransferObjectsTask object.