DTS Programming

DestinationRowsComplete Property

The DestinationRowsComplete property specifies the number of destination rows inserted or data-driven queries executed so far for the current rowset by a Transform Data task, Data Driven Query task, or Parallel Data Pump task.

Applies To
DTSTransformPhaseInfo Object



Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to a DTSTransformPhaseInfo object

Data Type




Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT get_DestinationRowsComplete(VARIANT *pRetVal);


The DTSTransformPhaseInfo object is referenced within a transformation script or custom transformation.

Some scripting languages, for example Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript), do not support the vt_decimal data type of the DestinationRowsComplete property. In VBScript, you must convert DestinationRowsComplete to Long before using it. For example, use the following code to compare DestinationRowsComplete to a global variable in VBScript:

If DTSGlobalVariables("GV1") <> CLng(DTSTransformPhaseInfo.DestinationRowsComplete) Then ...

DestinationRowsComplete is incremented after the Transform and OnTransformFailure phases, but prior to the OnInsertSuccess phase. It is not incremented for this row if the OnInsertFailure phase occurs.

See Also

CurrentSourceRow Property

Data Driven Query Task

DTSTransformScriptProperties2 Object

ErrorRows Property

ParallelDataPumpTask Object

Transform Data Task