The Data Driven Query task allows you to perform flexible, Transact-SQL based operations on data, including stored procedures and INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statements. For each row in a source rowset, the Data Driven Query task selects, customizes, and executes one of several SQL statements. You select which statement to execute via a constant return value set in a Microsoft® ActiveX® script transformation. Based on the return constant you use in the script, one of four different parameterized SQL statements that you create may be executed for each source row.
When designing a Data Driven Query task, you need to decide whether the task should include a single query or multiple queries. For example, if you only want the task to delete data, you use a single query (a Delete query). If you want to update some rows and delete others, you need to use two queries (an Update and Delete query). If you use multiple queries, you need to provide scripting code that supplies conditional logic. That logic determines when each query type is applied to the data.
Using the Data Driven Query task, you can:
Use the Data Driven Query task when, for each of many source rows, you must either:
The Transform Data task and the Bulk Insert task are optimized for insert operations. Choose the Data Driven Query task for insert operations only if these tasks do not meet the requirements of your application.
You can use either DTS Designer or the DTS object model to create and manage Data Driven Query tasks. For more information about programming for the Data Driven Query task, see DataDrivenQueryTask2 Object and Creating a Transformable Subscription Using Visual Basic.