DTS Programming

TransformStatus Property

The TransformStatus property specifies the status of the most recently completed transformation for the current row in a Transform Data task, Data Driven Query task, or Parallel Data Pump task.

Applies To
DTSTransformPhaseInfo Object



Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to a DTSTransformPhaseInfo object

Data Type




Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT get_TransformStatus(DTSTransformStatus *pRetVal);


The DTSTransformPhaseInfo object is referenced within a Microsoft® ActiveX® Script transformation or custom transformation.

When there are multiple transformations scheduled to run during a particular transform phase, they are executed sequentially in the order in which the Transformation2 objects were added to the Transformations collection. The TransformStatus property allows a transformation to pass on the status code from previous transformation or to generate one of its own. In Microsoft Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript), this would look like:

   Function Transform_Next( )
      Transform_Next = DTSTransformPhaseInfo.TransformStatus
      {logic which may or may not assign a function return value}
   End Function

TransformStatus is not updated after the execution of the insert or data-driven queries on the destination rowset.

See Also

Data Driven Query Task

ParallelDataPumpTask Object

Transform Data Task

Transformation2 Object

Transformations Collection