DTS Programming

GlobalVariables Collection

The GlobalVariables collection is a group of GlobalVariable objects containing information about variants that allow data to be shared across steps and Microsoft® ActiveX® scripts.

Applies To
ExecutePackageTask Object Package2 Object
Package Object  

Count Property Parent Property

Add Method Item Method
AddGlobalVariable Method New (Name) Method
Insert Method  


The GlobalVariables collection is dynamic; values may be added to the collection as the package executes. If the package ExplicitGlobalVariables property is not set, a global variable is created on first reference by an ActiveX script, if it does not already exist.

The GlobalVariables collection of the ExecutePackageTask object is exported to the target package, but it is not part of the parent package's GlobalVariables collection. To export global variables from the parent package to the target package, use the InputGlobalVariableNames property of the ExecutePackageTask object.

Reference the GlobalVariables collection from within ActiveX scripts with the name DTSGlobalVariables.

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT GetGlobalVariables(IDTSGlobalVariables **pRetVal);

See Also

Adding DTS Lookups and Global Variables

ExplicitGlobalVariables Property

GlobalVariable Object

InputGlobalVariableNames Property

Package2 Object