DTS Programming

Other Objects

This section describes the objects of the Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Data Transformation Services (DTS) object model.

For more information about the task objects and transformation objects supplied with SQL Server 2000, see Task Objects and Transformation Objects.

Topic Description
Application Object Provides access to system properties and information about system components.
Column Object Contains information about a source or destination column, or a data-driven query parameter.
Connection Object Contains information about connections to OLE DB data sources.
Connection2 Object Extends the functionality of the Connection object.
CustomTask Object Allows developers to implement DTS custom tasks.
CustomTaskUI Object Allows developers to implement a user interface for a custom task.
DTSMQMessage Object Holds the definition of a DTSMessageQueueTask message to be sent.
DynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment Object Holds the definition of a DTS object property for a DynamicPropertiesTask object.
GlobalVariable Object Defines a DTS global variable.
GlobalVariable2 Object Extends the functionality of the GlobalVariable object.
IDTSStdObject Serves as the base object from which all other DTS objects are derived.
Lookup Object Specifies named, parameterized query string.
OLEDBProperty Object Specifies property to be set in an OLE DB service provider at run time.
OLEDBProperty2 Object Extends the functionality of the OLEDBProperty object.
OLEDBProviderInfo Object Supplies information about an OLE DB provider.
Package Object Heads the hierarchy of objects.
Package2 Object Extends the functionality of the Package object.
PackageInfo Object Provides information about a DTS package in persistent storage.
PackageLineage Object Provides the contents of a SQL Server 2000 Meta Data Services package lineage record.
PackageLog Object Allows a custom task or task script to write task log records.
PackageLogRecord Object Provides the contents of a package log record.
PackageRepository Object Provides access to the DTS components on Meta Data Services.
PackageSQLServer Object Provides access to the components on an instance of SQL Server.
PersistPropertyBag Object Defines a persistent property storage interface for a custom task
PrecedenceConstraint Object Limits when a DTS step can begin execution.
PropertiesProvider Object Defines an object supplying a DTS Properties collection.
Property Object Exposes the attributes of an object property.
PropertyBag Object Defines a name-indexed container for property values.
SavedPackageInfo Object Contains information about a package saved in a COM-structured storage file.
ScriptingLanguageInfo Object Provides information about a Microsoft ActiveX® scripting language registered on the system.
Step Object Controls the execution of a task in the package.
Step2 Object Extends the functionality of the Step object.
StepLineage Object Provides the contents of a step lineage record from Meta Data Services.
StepLogRecord Object Provides the contents of a step log record from an instance of SQL Server.
Task Object Defines a unit of work to be performed as part of a package.
TaskInfo Object Provides information about a task class registered on the computer system.
TaskLogRecord Object Provides the contents of a task log record from an instance of SQL Server.
Transformation Object Contains information about the transformation class and the source and destination columns.
Transformation2 Object Extends the functionality of the Transformation object.
TransformationInfo Object Provides information about a registered DTS transformation class.
TransformationSet Object Defines the transformations to be performed on a component of a hierarchical rowset.

See Also

Creating a DTS Package

Programming DTS Applications