DTS Programming

New (ID) Method

The New method creates a new object for a collection from a ProgID or CLSID.

Applies To
Connections Collection Transformations Collection
Tasks Collection  


[Set object =] Collection.New( ID )

Part Description
Collection Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list
object Object variable to receive reference to created object
ID ProgID or CLSID of object to be created


The required type of object depends on the collection to which it is being added:

Collection Object
Connections Connection Object
Connection2 Object
Tasks Task Object
Transformations Transformation Object
Transformation2 Object

The New method for the collections in the Applies To list creates a new object based on the ProgID or CLSID of the corresponding class. The New methods for other collections use different parameters and syntax.

There are version-dependent and version-independent forms of a ProgID. Typically, the version-dependent form looks like name.version. The version-independent form typically has name only, without the .version, although that form is not required. The version-independent form should be used unless you need a feature of a particular version.

Prototype (C/C++)

    BSTR bstrID,
    ObjectInterface **RetVal);


To create a new connection using the Microsoft® OLE DB Provider for ODBC drivers in Microsoft Visual Basic®, use one of the following forms.

By version-independent ProgID:

   Set objConnection = objPackage.Connections.New( "MSDASQL" )

By version-dependent ProgID:

   Set objConnection = objPackage.Connections.New( "MSDASQL.1" )


   Set objConnection = _
      objPackage.Connections.New( "{C8B522CB-5CF3-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}" )

See Also

Add Method

New Method

New (Columns) Method

New (Name) Method