DTS Programming

New Method

The New method creates a new, unnamed object for a collection.

Applies To
DTSMQMessages Collection Steps Collection
DynamicPropertiesTaskAssignments Collection  


[Set object =] Collection.New

Part Description
Collection Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list
object Object variable to receive reference to created object


The required type of object depends on the collection to which it is being added:

Collection Object
DTSMQMessages DTSMQMessage Object
DynamicPropertiesTaskAssignments DynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment Object
Steps Step Object
Step2 Object

The New method for the collections in the Applies To list creates a new object based on the collection type. The New methods for other collections use different parameters and syntax.

Prototype (C/C++)

    ObjectInterface **RetVal);


To create a new Step object using Microsoft® Visual Basic®, use:

   Set objStep = objPackage.Steps.New

See Also

Add Method

New (Columns) Method

New (ID) Method

New (Name) Method