DTS Programming

Connections Collection

The Connections collection is a group of Connection objects containing information about connections to OLE DB service providers. This collection allows connection pooling and reuse across steps and tasks in a DTS package.

Applies To
Package Object Package2 Object

Count Property Parent Property

Add Method Item Method
BeginAcquireMultipleConnections Method New (ID) Method
EndAcquireMultipleConnections Method NewDataLink Method
Insert Method  


When implementing a custom task that must acquire more than one connection, do the following to avoid deadlocks:

  1. Call BeginAcquireMultipleConnections.

  2. For each connection to be acquired:
  3. Call EndAcquireMultipleConnections.
Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT GetConnections(IDTSConnections **pRetVal);

See Also

Connection Object

Creating DTS Package Objects and Connections