Visual Database Tools

Summary and Grouping Behavior in the Query Designer

When you create aggregate queries, certain logical principles apply. For example, you cannot display the contents of individual rows in a summary query. The Query Designer helps you comply with these principles in the way the Diagram and Grid panes behave.

By understanding the principles of aggregate queries and the Query Designer's behavior, you can create logically correct aggregate queries. The overriding principle is that aggregate queries can result only in summary information. Thus, most of the principles that follow describe the ways that you can reference individual data columns within an aggregate query.

Referencing Columns for Output and Sorting

The following principles describe how you can reference columns in an aggregate query for output and for sorting:

Referencing Columns in Search Conditions

The following principles describe how you can reference columns in an aggregate query in search conditions. In general, you can use a column in a search condition to filter the rows that should be summarized (a WHERE clause) or to determine which grouped results appear in the final output (a HAVING clause).

Working with Columns in Aggregate Queries

When you create aggregate queries using the Diagram and Grid panes, the Query Designer makes certain assumptions so that your query adheres to the principles outlined earlier. For example, if you are creating an aggregate query and mark a data column for output, the Query Designer automatically makes the column part of the GROUP BY clause so that you do not inadvertently attempt to display the contents of an individual row in a summary.

Even though the Query Designer works to help prevent logical errors, it is possible to create aggregate queries that will not execute. Therefore, be sure that you understand the principles listed earlier in order to avoid errors when you create queries.

The Query Designer uses the following guidelines for working with columns:

When you enter a search condition into the Criteria column of the Grid pane, the Query Designer follows these rules:

See Also

Counting Rows in a Table | Grouping Rows in Query Results | Querying on Groups of Rows | Specifying Conditions for Groups | Summarizing and Grouping | Summarizing Values for All Rows in a Table | Summarizing Values Using Custom Expressions | Using HAVING and WHERE Clauses in the Same Query