Returns the user's login identification name.
Important SUSER_NAME always returns NULL when used in Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000. This system built-in function is included only for backward compatibility. Use SUSER_SNAME instead.
SUSER_NAME ( [ server_user_id ] )
Is the user's login identification number. server_user_id, which is optional, is int. server_user_id can be the login identification number of any SQL Server login or Microsoft Windows NT® user or group that has permission to connect to SQL Server. If server_user_id is not specified, the login identification name for the current user is returned.
In SQL Server 7.0, the security identification number (SID) replaces the server user identification number (SUID).
SUSER_NAME returns a login name only for a login that has an entry in the syslogins system table.
System functions can be used in the select list, in the WHERE clause, and anywhere an expression is allowed, and must always be followed by parentheses (even if no parameter is specified).
This example returns the user's login identification name for a login identification number of 1.