These scalar functions perform operations on and return information about values, objects, and settings in Microsoft® SQL Server™.
This table lists the system functions and their determinism property. For more information about function determinism, see Deterministic and Nondeterministic Functions.
Function | Determinism |
APP_NAME | Nondeterministic |
CASE expression | Deterministic |
CAST and CONVERT | Deterministic unless used with datetime, smalldatetime, or sql_variant. |
COALESCE | Deterministic |
COLLATIONPROPERTY | Nondeterministic |
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | Nondeterministic |
CURRENT_USER | Nondeterministic |
DATALENGTH | Deterministic |
@@ERROR | Nondeterministic |
fn_helpcollations | Deterministic |
fn_servershareddrives | Nondeterministic |
fn_virtualfilestats | Nondeterministic |
FORMATMESSAGE | Nondeterministic |
GETANSINULL | Nondeterministic |
HOST_ID | Nondeterministic |
HOST_NAME | Nondeterministic |
IDENT_CURRENT | Nondeterministic |
IDENT_INCR | Nondeterministic |
IDENT_SEED | Nondeterministic |
@@IDENTITY | Nondeterministic |
IDENTITY (Function) | Nondeterministic |
ISDATE | Deterministic only if used with the CONVERT function, the CONVERT style parameter is specified and the style parameter is not equal to 0, 100, 9, or 109. Styles 0 and 100 use the default format mon dd yyyy hh:miAM (or PM). Styles 9 and 109 use the default format plus milliseconds mon dd yyyy hh:mi:ss:mmmAM (or PM). |
ISNULL | Deterministic |
ISNUMERIC | Deterministic |
NEWID | Nondeterministic |
NULLIF | Deterministic |
PARSENAME | Deterministic |
PERMISSIONS | Nondeterministic |
@@ROWCOUNT | Nondeterministic |
ROWCOUNT_BIG | Nondeterministic |
SCOPE_IDENTITY | Nondeterministic |
SERVERPROPERTY | Nondeterministic |
SESSIONPROPERTY | Nondeterministic |
SESSION_USER | Nondeterministic |
STATS_DATE | Nondeterministic |
SYSTEM_USER | Nondeterministic |
@@TRANCOUNT | Nondeterministic |
USER_NAME | Nondeterministic |