Is a niladic function that allows a system-supplied value for the current session's username to be inserted into a table when no default value is specified. Also allows the username to be used in queries, error messages, and so on.
Use SESSION_USER with DEFAULT constraints in either the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statements, or use as any standard function.
This example declares a variable as char, assigns the current value of SESSION_USER, and then prints the variable with a text description.
DECLARE @session_usr char(30)
SET @session_usr = SESSION_USER
SELECT 'This session''s current user is: '+ @session_usr
Here is the result set:
This session's current user is: dbo
(1 row(s) affected)
This example creates a table using the SESSION_USER niladic function as a DEFAULT constraint for the delivery person.
USE pubs
CREATE TABLE deliveries2
order_id int IDENTITY(5000, 1) NOT NULL,
cust_id int NOT NULL,
order_date datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT GETDATE(),
delivery_date datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT DATEADD(dd, 10, GETDATE()),
delivery_person char(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT SESSION_USER
INSERT deliveries2 (cust_id)
VALUES (7510)
INSERT deliveries2 (cust_id)
VALUES (7231)
INSERT deliveries2 (cust_id)
VALUES (7028)
INSERT deliveries2 (cust_id)
VALUES (7392)
INSERT deliveries2 (cust_id)
VALUES (7452)
This query selects all information from the deliveries2 table.
SELECT order_id AS 'Ord#', cust_id AS 'Cust#', order_date,
delivery_date, delivery_person AS 'Delivery'
FROM deliveries2
ORDER BY order_id
Here is the result set:
Ord# Cust# order_date delivery_date Delivery
---- ------ ------------------ -------------------- ----------------
5000 7510 Mar 4 1998 10:21AM Mar 14 1998 10:21AM dbo
5001 7231 Mar 4 1998 10:21AM Mar 14 1998 10:21AM dbo
5002 7028 Mar 4 1998 10:21AM Mar 14 1998 10:21AM dbo
5003 7392 Mar 4 1998 10:21AM Mar 14 1998 10:21AM dbo
5004 7452 Mar 4 1998 10:21AM Mar 14 1998 10:21AM dbo
(5 row(s) affected)