The online Replication Troubleshooter is designed to help you resolve replication problems you may encounter when using Microsoft® SQL Server 2000.
Note For international users of SQL Server Books Online, the text of the problems as well as the references to Knowledge Base articles appear in English and can be found on nonlocalized Web sites.
Common starting points for troubleshooting replication include:
"The process could not connect to Subscriber '<Server_name>'. Login failed for user '<User_name>'."
"Timeout expired."
"Could not find stored procedure 'sp_MSins_<table_name>'."
"The process could not execute 'sp_repldone/sp_replcounters' on '<Server_name>'. Another logreader is replicating the database."
"The process could not connect to server '<Server_name>'. Login failed for user 'sa'."
"The process could not execute 'sp_replcmds' on '<Server_name>'. Only members of the sysadmin or db_owner roles can perform this Operation."
"The process could not read file '< E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\REPLDATA\ >'. Access is denied."
"The subscription has been marked inactive and must be reinitialized at the Publisher. Contact the database administrator."
"The process could not connect to Subscriber '<Server_name>'. SQL Server does not exist or access denied."
"The agent is suspect. No activity reported within the last 10 minutes."
To access troubleshooters online, see Viewing Online Troubleshooters and other PSS Web-Based Information.