IncludeEventDescription Property

The IncludeEventDescription property indicates response notifications that receive alert error text when a SQL Server Agent builds a notification message for an alert.

Applies To
Alert Object


object.IncludeEventDescription [= value]



Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list


Long integer that specifies a response type as described in Settings

Constant Value Description
SQLDMONotify_All 7 Notification by e-mail, e-mail sent to the pager address, and network pop-up message
SQLDMONotify_Email 1 Notification by e-mail sent to the operator e-mail address
SQLDMONotify_NetSend 4 Notification by network pop-up message posted to the operator network address
SQLDMONotify_None 0 No notification method specified for the referenced operator
SQLDMONotify_Pager 2 Notification by e-mail sent to the operator pager address

Data Type

Long, enumerated



Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT GetIncludeEventDescription(SQLDMO_NOTIFY_TYPE *pRetVal);

HRESULT SetIncludeEventDescription(SQLDMO_NOTIFY_TYPE NewValue);


SQL Server Agent builds a notification message to send in response to a raised alert. For each notification method (e-mail, pager, or net send), SQL Server Agent can build a different message. To include alert error text in a SQL Server Agent-built message, set the IncludeEventDescription property of the referring Alert object.

To specify that more than one notification method should include error text, combine values by using an OR logical operator.

See Also

Notification Method Constants (SQLDMO_NOTIFY_TYPE)

NotificationMessage Property