Notification Method Constants (SQLDMO_NOTIFY_TYPE)

Notification method constants define a Microsoft® SQL Server™ Agent notification feature. Use notification method constants to control SQL Server Agent behaviors when notifying an operator of an alert condition.

Constant Value Description
SQLDMONotify_All 7 Notification by e-mail, e-mail sent to the pager address, and network pop-up message
SQLDMONotify_Email 1 Notification by e-mail sent to the operator e-mail address
SQLDMONotify_NetSend 4 Notification by network pop-up message posted to the operator network address
SQLDMONotify_None 0 No notification method specified for the referenced operator
SQLDMONotify_Pager 2 Notification by e-mail sent to the operator pager address

See Also

AddNotification Method

EnumNotifications Method

IncludeEventDescription Property

NotificationMethod Property

UpdateNotification Method