The FTPSubdirectory property specifies the FTP subdirectory where Internet-enabled snapshot files are stored before they are downloaded.
object.FTPSubdirectory [= value]
Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list
String that specifies the directory in which snapshot files are stored
Use the FTPSubdirectory property to specify subdirectory locations in which Internet-enabled snapshot files are stored before they are downloaded. The Merge or Distribution Agent uses the FTPSubdirectory setting to locate the snapshot files.
Typically, an FTP subdirectory is located relative to the home directory for the FTP site, and should include the \Ftp subdirectory in the path. For example, if the home directory for the FTP site is C:\Public\Ftphome and the snapshot files are located in C:\Public\Ftphome\Snapshot\Publication1\Ftp, set the FTPSubdirectory property using the string value 'snapshot\publication1\ftp'.
It is recommended that the FTPsubdirectory be the same as the AltSnapshotFolder. If FTPSubdirectory is not specified, Internet-enabled snapshot files are stored in the default directory. By default, the default instance of Microsoft® SQL Server™ stores these files in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Mssql\Repldata\Ftp directory. By default, a named instance of SQL Server stores these files in the x:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Mssql$InstanceName\Repldata\Ftp directory, where InstanceName is the name of a non-default instance of SQL Server.
Using different subdirectory locations for different publications can be useful in situations requiring varying levels of security access to the shares on a Distributor.
Note If an application sets FTPSubdirectory with the MergePublication2 or TransPublication2 object after the initial snapshot has been created, a new snapshot must be generated. Snapshots are applied when the next scheduled snapshot agent runs.
If an application calls FTPSubdirectory on an instance of SQL Server version 7.0, the constant, SQLDMO_E_SQL80ONLY, and the message "This property or method requires Microsoft SQL Server 2000" are returned.